In 1888 was erected by the Noesians this very beautiful oratory monument in granite of the country with the effigy of the Curé of Ars, Jean-Marie Vianney,
Anchored on a rock and adorned with a statue, it is located very close to the village.
The Curé of Ars was canonized in 1925.

From 01/01 to 31/12, daily.

Sad year that 1810: a contingent of conscripts of the Napoleonic army left Lyon for Spain. The young Jean-Marie Vianney, future Curé d'Ars, is one of them, he is 24 years old.

The convoy stops at Roanne to train. The; the young peasant, who fell ill, was taken to the hospital. When he leaves, he decides to get lost in the paths of the Côte Roannaise. Brought until Christmas, he finds refuge in the hamlet of Robins, in the farm of Fayots where a widow takes him in, "The most beautiful soul he has met", he would later say. Knowing that he is resistant, he will live in hiding with the help of the villagers whom he instructed, helped and built under the name of Jérôme Vincent.
In spite of the searches, with the support of the inhabitants, it will remain until January 1811, benefiting from a grace on the occasion of the marriage of the emperor.

The village of Noës, all imbued with the memory of the mysterious young man, celebrates the memory of the Saint on the first Sundays of August (oratory and statue at the entrance of the village coming from Renaison).


Individual visit services

  • Unguided individual tours permanently

Group visits services

  • Unguided group tours permanently


From January 01 to December 31, 2024
Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thursday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Open
Sunday Open




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Village des Noës

Village des Noës


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Historic site and monument