The Grand-Font well, which is located at the southern entrance to the village, has resumed its original function.

The rosary pump was restored in 2020 by locals, and the water is now spurting out! This jewel of a mechanism, created more than 100 years ago by the Sauzay brothers from Autun, comprises a three-metre copper tube, four plugs and a five-metre chain. The latter, closed on itself, is furnished, at regular intervals, with buckets.

Driven in a tube immersed in the well, the chain and the buckets raise the water through this pipe. All the locals have to do is turn the wheel to bring out an abundance of water from the Rapeaux hill and the Saint-Roch chapel.

Caption: We don't know if the water is still miraculous: for centuries, this place has in fact seen many patients pass through in search of regaining their visual faculties.



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