The “Accueil Vélo” label is a national brand. For roaming cyclists, it guarantees a welcome and quality services throughout each route. A labeled establishment can be an accommodation, a restaurant owner, a bicycle rental company and / or repairer, a tourist office and a tourist site.

The bicycle reception is the guarantee for cyclists to have an establishment:

  • located less than 5 kilometers from a bicycle route,
  • with equipment suitable for cyclists (secure shelter, repair kit, etc.),
  • with a warm welcome (practical information, advice, etc.)
  • providing dedicated services to bicycle travelers (luggage transfer, equipment rental and washing, etc.)



Camping de l’Aix***

Camping de l’Aix***

Camping de l’Aix***

Camping de l’Aix***

Camping de l’Aix***

Camping de l’Aix***

Camping de l’Aix***


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Camping de Mars****

Camping de Mars****

Camping de Mars****

Camping de Mars****

Camping de Mars****


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The tourist offices of Roanne and Charlieu labeled

Roanne tourist office


  • Repair kit,
  • Electric charging,
  • Timetable for trains, buses and taxis accepting bicycles,
  • Drinking water point,
  • Free sanitary facilities at the corner of rue des moats near the post office.

Cycling routes nearby

Charlieu tourist office


  • Repair kit,
  • Electric charging,
  • Train, bus and taxi timetables that accept bicycles
  • Free sanitary facilities in the hall building, opposite the tourist office

Cycling routes nearby