This medieval city, which became "Village of Character in Loire" and "Village of Glass" in 2011, offers houses from the XNUMXth century.e, XVthe and XVIe testimonies of a rich past. Its history is the delight of visitors charmed by the order of this calm and flowery village. At the northern entrance to the Loire department and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, near La Pacaudière, on the Nationale 7, the medieval village of Crozet offers you a journey through the history of the County of Forez.

Maison Dauphin à Le Crozet
Maison Dauphin in Le Crozet © Max / Les Zed / RT

Ideal place for a walk with family or friends, the village, close to major communication routes, has managed to protect itself from the vicissitudes of modern life and remain a haven of peace. The visit of the village can be completed by a visit to the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions. Installed in a XNUMXth century turret dwellinge century, the museum is the only house in the village open to the public.

Visit the Crozet

Crossing the surrounding fortifications to enter the medieval city will always surprise the visitor. He is far from imagining what the small city has in store for him.
Quite naturally you will pass under the large door with its pointed arch very open. She proudly wears the coats of arms of Bourbon and Forez. Very quickly you will discover the half-timbered house better known as the Constable's house because of the beautiful interior fireplace bearing the coat of arms of Charles III.

Do not miss the secret passage that takes you into the inner courtyard of the beak tower. In summer you will find freshness and silence. However, it is impossible not to see the remains of the old church, an ideal setting in summer for holding a concert. Remains facing the Dauphin house. It sits majestically, proud to show off its yellow Charlieu limestone openings.

A stone's throw from the Papon house and its interior courtyard with its beautiful Renaissance facade where some will try to decipher the many bas-reliefs. You will be irreparably drawn to the new church and especially the keep. From the top of its twelve meters, it continues to play the role of lookout watching its Burgundian and Bourbonnais neighbors. 
Guided tours are possible with the association Les Amis du Vieux Crozet and La Pacaudière.

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Le Crozet labeled "Small Towns of Character" ® »

The village of Crozet is officially labeled "Small Towns of Character" ® » since the end of December 2021. A concept born in the mid-70s to promote atypical municipalities, both rural by their location, their limited population, and urban by their history and heritage.

The Elixir of Crozet

L'élixir du Crozet, un apéritif frais à base de plantes

The famous Elixir of Messire Papon, native son and master of requests of Queen Catherine de Medici, has fallen into oblivion over the centuries. It was a powerful relaxant, an euphoric medication.

In 2022, in order to mark the "Small Cities of Character®" label, this curious beverage will come out of oblivion.
By chance, two brothers, Jean-Charles and François Crozet, at the head of the distillery located in Thizy-les-Bourgs, the Distillerie Crozet Frères, were kind enough to help to reconstitute this elixir. Do not forget to mention the role also played by Jean-Michel Bererd, memory of the village who in this project played the role of facilitator.

Made from plants and fruits, this elixir is offered to you today to enhance your aperitifs, whether served chilled or in a cocktail.

After 5 centuries of decantation, the famous elixir has been analyzed, worked on and revisited so as to no longer create the slightest disturbance while retaining its best virtues.


Family walk with Randoland

No more walks where children drag their feet away from their parents! Randoland circuit sheets are designed as a treasure hunt. The clues collected throughout the course allow you to solve the proposed puzzles and discover the village.
The circuits, intended for children 4/6 years old, 7/9 years old and 10 years old and over, can be downloaded from the Randoland website or available free of charge at Tourist Information Point.

The interactive game, Baludik: In search of the source

In the form of riddles, Capucine and Coline, the emblematic characters of the treasure hunt, take visitors through the cobbled alleys of the magnificent village of Crozet and lead them in search of a source which supplies the village with water ... by the way, they will be able to notice the many wells which testify to the importance of water over time.
This application can be downloaded from the apple store or the play store of your smartphone.


Game survey au Crozet, invites you to explore this charming village. You must conduct the investigation to find the young Marie Couvet and the reasons for her disappearance, using a booklet, a briefcase and a bag entrusted by the information point. These last two are full of clues.
An adventure to be enjoyed in a group between adults or with teenagers lasting approximately 1h30.

Vue aérienne de l'église et du village de Crozet
Aerial view of the church and the village of Crozet © Voyages Fétiches / RT

The essentials of Crozet

  • La big door timeless witness of the fortifications built in 1236. We owe it to Guy IV, first count of Forez owner of Crozet
  • La Constable's house, historic house of the provost, which in 1981 regained its original function. She welcomed Mario Meunier in 1950 over the last ten years of her life.
  • La beak lathe or fire tower located in a charming interior courtyard with original architecture.
  • THEformer market hall of the Cordouannerie, strong symbol of the shopping and trading city of Crozet
  • La Dauphin house, birthplace of Mgr Dolphin benefactor of Crozet, marvelous specimen of architecture under the reign of Louis XII with its openings in total asymmetry in yellow limestone from the land of Charlieu. Today the Dauphin house is transformed into guest rooms.
  • The remains of the old church built on the site of the original chapel of the XNUMXth Viscounts of Mâcone century.
  • La sundial house with its imposing chimney stack engraved with its Latin quote "catch the light while it is day".
  • Le keep built in the XNUMXthe century
  • La news église built with the stones of the old castle, which hosts the tomb of Mgr Dolphin.
  • La Papon house Renaissance style with its paired facade in glazed bricks and its many bas-reliefs with Latin inscriptions, reflections of the personality of Jean Papon, famous jurisconsult of the XVIe century.
  • Le museum installed in a XNUMXth century homee century with its small corner turret
Vue sur l'église du Crozet
View of the Crozet church © On put the sails / RT

Finding yourself in Crozet, one of the five characterful villages of Roannais, is as Mario Meunier wrote. Taste a sovereign peace, forget the passing time and be satisfied with this calm by soaking up the serenity of this place.

Alain Froumajou

Key figures

At the beginning of the XVIe century, at the height of the period known as "the golden age of Crozet", the medieval city will reach more than 700 souls. Today the town of Crozet identifies 282 inhabitants.

Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions

The Museum of Arts and Popular Traditions is located in a XNUMXth century turret dwellinge century. The only Crozet house that can be visited entirely. Reconstitutions of workshops, old crafts, temporary exhibitions and an important library on the region are offered to visitors. This museum allows you to admire unusual objects from the past as well as the history of Crozet and the famous national 7.

The most beautiful points of view

  • THEunmissable dungeon between vertigo and visual depth of field,
  • THEinterior of the beak tower courtyard, leaning against the edge of the old well and its beautiful blue hydrangeas.
Vue depuis le village du Crozet
View from the village of Le Crozet © On set sail / RT

Let yourself be told an anecdote

Crozet is above all a shopping place. Its fame is largely due to its geographical position. It made it an obligatory passage between the plain of the Loire and the mountains of the Madeleine, which moreover is at the crossroads of several "Great Paths". But Crozet is also in history a judicial place with the presence within its walls of the illustrious Jean Papon, famous jurisconsult who in the XVIe century will be the first by the drafting in 1565 of its so-called "three notaries" treaty to affirm the primacy of written law over customary law, thus giving birth to French law.

Crozet's story

In ten centuries of history, the Crozet is a succession of great families who own the place. A village where the good times mingled with the forgotten times of the medieval city.
Formerly one of the four strongholds of Roannais, the town was a place of great trade fairs. A most important strategic site, as evidenced by the magnificent panorama over the Roanne plain which will allow you to admire a breathtaking landscape, from the Morvan to the Monts du Lyonnais.
An obligatory crossing point between the Roannais plain and the Monts de la Madeleine, the Crozet site experienced a long period of prosperity in the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance. The visitor will be able to discover a magnificently restored and flowery site. The many buildings dating from the XNUMXthe XVIe centuries give a wide range of the different traditional architectures of the County of Forez at these times.


  • The Festival des Monts de la Madeleine - July August

Since 2003, the Monts de la Madeleine festival organized by the Pentatête association offers a series of classical concerts every summer in churches, abbeys and chapels as well as musical meetings with locals. For more than a month, young artists confirmed or in the making will follow one another. In Crozet, musicians meet you every summer in the remains of the old church. Find out more

  • The Glass Biennial - August

Glass art has succeeded in making a place for itself in the Roannais region and the festival has made its reputation. At the end of the summer, come and admire the pieces of both professional and amateur artisans. The streets of the village of Crozet are also animated by the various workshops offered to visitors. Now is the time to learn techniques such as fusing, thermoforming or lead stained glass. An original outing for the whole family. Find out more

Crozet information point

Located at the entrance to the village, this information point is open from May to September. Visitors on a short or long stay in the area can find hiking guides, regional books, postcards as well as local crafts and local products. A flyer is available in self-service, it will guide tourists step by step to discover the medieval city of Crozet.


Village of Character - Le Crozet
42310 The Crozet

06 17 69 16 83


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L'avis de Marion

Marion's opinion

25 kilometers from the town of Roanne by following the national 7, I cross the large Porte du Crozet and find myself propelled back to the time of knights and lords. Here I am at Xe century, my head filled with medieval stories and tales.

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