Le miel : l’or jaune du Roannais va éveiller vos papilles Gastronomy Add to favorites list

Honey: the yellow gold of Roannais will awaken your taste buds

A sweet, sugary nectar with a thousand virtues? Dive into the world of beekeeping for a moment and discover the secrets of honey. A long-term job Before being able to harvest the fruit of one's labor, different stages throughout the year are necessary in order to be able to harvest honey. It all starts with the first […]

Route des Vins Forez-Roannais, un terroir de caractère coloré et authentique Gastronomy Add to favorites list

Forez-Roannais Wine Route, a terroir of colorful and authentic character

From the village of La Pacaudière, in the north of the appellation, to Saint-Jean-Saint-Maurice-sur-Loire, the Côte Roannaise Wine Route is drawn, a tourist route dedicated to the vineyard, which crosses hilly landscapes and Villages of Character. Rendez-vous with this route labeled "Vineyards & Discoveries"... The Côte Roannaise vineyard, in Volcanic Loire The Côte Roannaise vineyard celebrates the […]

Nos petites mousses Roannaises Gastronomy Add to favorites list

Our little Roannaise mousses

Roanne beers almost overshadow the wines of the Côte Roannaise, they are numerous and tasty. Let's embark on the secrets of making a popular drink, beer. Whether blonde, amber or brunette, the process is almost identical. But then how do we go from a cereal to a drink with multiple flavors? It all starts with […]

Miam-miam les produits locaux Gastronomy Add to favorites list

Yum-yum local products

At Roannais Tourisme, we love producers and their good products. Our producers and short circuits have been more in the spotlight since the various confinements from 2020, being close to home. Everyone was able to (re)discover local know-how to eat in the most local and eco-responsible way possible. So, shall we continue? […]

Top 5 des activités à faire en groupe Gastronomy Add to favorites list

Top 5 activities to do in a group

The more, the merrier! In Roannais, we also verify this adage. You are a large family, a group of friends, an association or a company, here are my TOP 5 activities to do as a group. 1. Guided tours to discover the territory You like to discover the history of a territory, […]

Le Roannais, une terre étoilée Gastronomy Add to favorites list

The Roannais, a starry land

The Roannais, recognized as a territory of gastronomy, confirms its excellence with the entry, this year, of two new starred restaurants in the famous Michelin Guide. The Restaurant de la Loire in Pouilly-sous-Charlieu and the Restaurant du Château d'Origny in Ouches, newly promoted. They join the Prieuré on the list of one-star establishments. The famous Maison Troisgros […]

De la terre à l’assiette, le goût des bonnes choses Gastronomy Add to favorites list

From the ground to the plate, the taste of good things

Cooking is a story of taste… And good products! Those who make the difference, who awaken the taste buds and above all whose origin we know. The Roannais territory has this wealth. Gold producers who raise, cultivate and refine quality products, but also cooks and restaurateurs who know the […]

TOP 7 des activités gratuites dans le Roannais Gastronomy Add to favorites list

TOP 7 free activities in Roannais

The diversity of the Roannais territory gives rise to multiple initiatives and projects. Thus, everyone can flourish and recharge their batteries, without incurring costs. Some ideas may change your habits, there is something for everyone and for many the discovery can be intergenerational. The Mysteries of the Monts de la Madeleine Go on the […]

Ma « To do list » 2024 Gastronomy Add to favorites list

My 2024 “To do list”

The year 2024 opens its arms to us with the prospect of a year full of discoveries, joy and experiences. I am embarking on a 2024 “to do list” to enjoy again and again the Roannais and its multiple riches. February: Treat yourself to a romantic dinner February without being a great romantic is the month of […]

Top 3 : Où sortir le 31 décembre en Roannais ? Gastronomy Add to favorites list

Top 3: Where to go out on December 31 in Roannais?

The end of year holidays are approaching and it's time to find the best place to end the year in style! Whether celebrated with friends, family or alone, the New Year is synonymous with renewal and new resolutions. So get dressed to the nines (or not!) and off you go to find the evening […]