Solidarité en Roannais : vivez 5 évènements caritatifs Family Add to favorites list

Solidarity in Roannais: experience 5 charity events

When we talk about a charity event, we are referring to an initiative organized with the aim of raising funds for an association or simply to raise awareness of a social, humanitarian or environmental cause. It is an opportunity to come together, to meet, to support people who are sometimes unknown to us. If you also want […]

Des idées pour les vacances de vos ados ! Family Add to favorites list

Ideas for your teens’ vacations!

School holidays have arrived! The puzzle begins to find the right solutions to keep the children busy. Do your teenagers swear by screens and social networks? I offer you a selection of activities so that your teenager can have fun, let off steam and enjoy themselves in Roannais! For the “Sport Addicts” Teenagers […]

Top 5 des sorties pour les jours de pluie Family Add to favorites list

Top 5 Rainy Day Outings

The weather for the next few days is going into autumn mode! Is it raining? No problem! Roannais is home to activities for every moment and for everyone. So don't stay cooped up at home, there is so much to do in Roannais! 1. Play and have fun with family or friends One of the best solutions to avoid […]

Escapade en famille Family Add to favorites list

Family getaway

An hour from Auvergne and Puy de Dôme, our home port, Roannais reveals bucolic landscapes, a heritage of great beauty and gastronomy that seduces gourmets! This is how, at Easter, our happy tribe (2 adults and 4 children aged 8 to 13) left for a getaway […]

Top 5 des activités à faire en groupe Family Add to favorites list

Top 5 activities to do in a group

The more, the merrier! In Roannais, we also verify this adage. You are a large family, a group of friends, an association or a company, here are my TOP 5 activities to do as a group. 1. Guided tours to discover the territory You like to discover the history of a territory, […]

Des activités pour  toutes et tous Family Add to favorites list

Activities for everyone

Are you disabled or in the entourage of a person concerned? Here is a small, non-exhaustive list of activities or places where everyone can go. A breath of pure air surrounded by nature The Domaine des Grands Murcins in Arcon and the Gravière aux Oiseaux in Mably can be explored, […]

Les incontournables festivals du Roannais Family Add to favorites list

The essential festivals of Roannais

Have you ever attended one of the superb Roannais festivals? With us, there is something for everyone, in all styles! Whether you are into music, cinema or even gastronomy; associations or communities do everything possible to offer you the most beautiful moments throughout the year. You are more… Music! YOU […]

TOP 7 des activités gratuites dans le Roannais Family Add to favorites list

TOP 7 free activities in Roannais

The diversity of the Roannais territory gives rise to multiple initiatives and projects. Thus, everyone can flourish and recharge their batteries, without incurring costs. Some ideas may change your habits, there is something for everyone and for many the discovery can be intergenerational. The Mysteries of the Monts de la Madeleine Go on the […]

Ma liste de cadeaux de  Noël   100 % Roannais Family Add to favorites list

My 100% Roannais Christmas gift list

I don't know about you but for me from November onwards, my mind is already thinking about Christmas! I can't wait to see the decorations in the streets, hear the famous songs and make my tree. But above all, I like to think about the little Christmas touches and gifts that will please my loved ones. I […]

Top 5 des bons plans étudiants Family Add to favorites list

Top 5 good student deals

It's official ! We can definitely say that the summer holidays are over! After spending your summer enjoying the heat, going out or working (to each their own point of view), the start of the school year is just around the corner. The daily routine will slowly resume and my advice will allow you […]