Roanne en 7 étapes : entre nature, patrimoine et gourmandise Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

Roanne in 7 stages: between nature, heritage and gourmet delights

Roanne seduces with its authentic charm combining historical heritage, nature and gourmet specialties. This city varies the pleasures and pampers its visitors to the tune of Dolce Vita! Follow the route of 30 totems installed for the visit and discover this city full of surprises, it promises you an unforgettable getaway! 1. Morning coffee […]

Joyaux cachés des Villages de Caractères Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

Hidden Gems of the Villages of Character

In the heart of Roannais, 5 Villages of Character invite you on a journey out of time. If these charming villages seduce with their preserved heritage, their unusual corners reveal hidden treasures, perfect for arousing the curiosity of explorers in search of authenticity. Discover these villages and their secrets… St-Haon-le-Châtel: the botanical This hilltop village […]

Les mystères de Saint-Germain-Laval Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

The mysteries of Saint-Germain-Laval

Accessible in less than 5 minutes from the motorway, Saint-Germain-Laval stands on its rocky peak, facing the Forez plain. Don't be fooled by its (small) size! Bourgeois residences, private mansions, Romanesque church and even a commandery: this village is home to a magnificent heritage that can be discovered during a peaceful stroll […]

Axel Bourlon, un roannais en course pour une médaille olympique Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

Axel Bourlon, a Roanne player in the running for an Olympic medal

We had to wait 100 years to have an edition of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in France and finally be able to support our French athletes as they should be! In July, Paris 2024 will have thrilled us with our talented Roanne athletes such as Olivier Perreau with his bronze medal in horse riding as well as Timothé Vergiat […]

Route Nationale 7, mémoire d’un autre temps Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

National Route 7, memory of another time

I'm telling you about a time... when National Route 7 was this royal road which led straight to the holidays, from Paris to Menton, its terminus, via Roanne, of course. The landscapes passed by, in a car loaded up to the roof, with the windows open and my elbow on the door. We remember the stages […]

Vanlife au cœur du Roannais Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

Vanlife in the heart of Roannais

A 4-day “Vanlife” 100% nature roadtrip in the heart of Roannais, between mountains, forests and the banks of the Loire, in search of the most beautiful spots in the region. As you travel through this green countryside with its colorful landscapes, discover a welcoming and gourmet region, and a heritage that will take you on a journey into the riches of the past. […]

Sortez pour la Nuit des Musées ! Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

Come out for Museum Night!

Every year the European Night of Museums takes place, this year it returns for its 20th edition and will take place on Saturday May 18! That evening, many museums open their doors to you free of charge. They offer you a lot of activities: workshops, musical performances, guided tours, demonstrations… Without further ado, discover everything that this […]

Les incontournables festivals du Roannais Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

The essential festivals of Roannais

Have you ever attended one of the superb Roannais festivals? With us, there is something for everyone, in all styles! Whether you are into music, cinema or even gastronomy; associations or communities do everything possible to offer you the most beautiful moments throughout the year. You are more… Music! YOU […]

24h à Roanne À 1h de Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand ou Saint-Étienne Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

24 hours in Roanne 1 hour from Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand or Saint-Étienne

What if we took a break for a visit to Roanne? As soon as we arrive, we let ourselves be carried away by the sweetness of life and the charm of the city, between heritage, nature and gastronomy. The history and culture of Roanne are explored along the cobblestones while the local gastronomy is tasted […]

Perreux, village médiéval de caractère Cultural heritage Add to favorites list

Perreux, medieval village of character

Located a few kilometers from Roanne, the village of Perreux perched on its clay promontory, dominates the green countryside of Roannais. Formerly a strategic stronghold of the lords of Beaujeu facing the counts of Forez, this medieval town keeps traces of its history through the ages. In 2022, Perreux became the 5th Village […]